Our Story:

Your Kids around the World


We are a small, Christian based Sheffield Charity that is making big differences.

Sisters, Wendy Holmes and Cynthia Goodison, have travelled to some of the poorest parts of the world, and have raised funds to feed, house, clothe and educate children.

Wendy’s heart was captured in 1989 whilst at a small children’s home in the Philippines.

After returning from the beach, with the 18 children, a small table had been set for a meal. The children were nowhere to be seen. She asked the housemother whether they had food to eat and the reply was ‘We ate yesterday and maybe we’ll eat tomorrow’.

There was no complaint, no self pity, just a simple statement; yet they produced a meal for Wendy.

Since that time the sisters have run a child sponsorship programme and now over 300 children have grown up there, being loved, educated and cared for.

Subsequently they have visited and helped children in Romania, Latvia, Armenia, China, Liberia, Jamaica, Kosova and Bosnia.

In light of all the needs experienced, they decided to open up a charity shop in Sheffield. After a lot of hard work and organising, on the 1st of December 2012 the Your Kids Around The World shop was 'officially' opened by Team GB Olympian Nick Robinson-Baker.

To date we have given away over £550,000 for specific needs to the projects which we visit, some examples are:

  • Furnishing a home for 8 disabled children in China. Funding a special wheelchair for a teenager there.

  • Building four basic homes for survivors of a landslide in the Philippines – each family had lost children in the disaster.

  • Financing surgery for a young girl who needed a lung removing (Philippines)

  • Funding orthopaedic surgeries for children aboard the Africa Mercy Hospital ship

  • Supplying educational material to Networks Romania who educate street children.

Photo: Your Kids around the World shop was opened by Team GB Olympian Nick Robinson-Baker on 1st December 2012